Thursday, April 20, 2006


ok ppl... i am back after hiatus... damn THIS coll.... fine i ll stop ranting now...

k call me a little behind the times... started using orkut recently k... found all my coll pals and some of my old school that was cool... and then to my amazement found my school's community that was neat....

here comes the irritatin part... i found a community which was my so called subcaste of my so called caste k... i wont get into the details...but wat irritated me was instead of using technology to break barriers we r using it to make new ones... really plz tell me do we really need a community for this...its just plain stupid...

Very often i have had this argument to y we need this with the ppl of the prev gen and now to find that it might continue in ours as well is kinda depressing... i think wat tends to happen is we get trapped in the interia of traditions... i have always felt any practise has to evovle...but i never tht i would see castism ONLINE ! who the hell r we to think that we r beta than someone just becoz by the pedrgree of our birth.. somethin to think abt...

till next time... over and out

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Halo ppl...
Let me start off that i can vary from the incredibly insane to the boringly sane ! Anyway being by first post, let me explain the name of my blog

Have u ever noticed that within certain narrow parameters we r able to be very broad minded... Like for example i have personally nothing against the gay community. Its k if forgeiners r gay we can be completely tolerant..thats a part of their culture !(ya tell THAT to the catholic church ! ). But as russell peters's dad wud say "indians cannot be gay".

We show a glaring set of standards one for ourselves and one for others..... maybe we got to remember at some point of time that even they r human. Of course I have a lot of pals who r homophobic...may be its a part of every guys fear that one day he might get up u know "swinging the other way". But its a choice i feel if u dont understand atleast u should respect it...

I guess thats it for now.... till next time ROCK ON !

(p.s if any gay guys r reading this...sorry to disappoint u but i am not gay.... )